The purpose of writing this blog is to provide screen by screen procedure of the sapjvm patch update using the SUM (Software Update Manager) tool.
SAP has now replaced all the deployment tools for java based systems with one standard tool which is SUM to update the patches.
If you want to switch to sapjvm 4.1 from vendor jdk using sapjvm switch tool, please refer to below blog
Check Existing sapjvm build version and compatibility
The compatibility of sapjvm version with the netweaver release can be checked from the Product Availability Matrix (PAM)
Download Patches and SUM tool
Download the latest patch level of the existing sapjvm build by following below note
Download the SUM tool and the respective guide from below URL, SUM 1.0 is always used if the source system is either a dual-stack system, or a Java stack
Sapjvm Update using SUM
The below screenshots refer to the Sapjvm update of PI 7.1 system which is a dual stack hosted on a windows server. It can be referred for updating a standalone java stack system as well.
Check existing jvm build version in dev_server0 file.
2. Extract the SUM in /usr/sap/<SID> directory and start the STARTUP.BAT script as below
E:\usr\sap\<SID>\SUM>STARTUP.BAT jvm6
3. Connect to the SUM tool for your respective system - java or dual by using the URLs in the above screenshot of startup.bat script execution. If ssl is not configured, use http with port 1128
For PI, I connected to the dual stack link as below
Please note that for dual stack, only JAVA tab is used in the SUM scenario for sapjvm update.
4. The below screen will appear after providing the <sid>adm user and password.
5. Switch to http protocol if https is not configured.
6. Provide the <sid>adm credentials.
7. Select the target as manually prepared directory and provide the directory where you have kept the jvm upgrade patch file. Also for patch verification ,download the CRL file from location provided in the SUM screenshot below and put it in the same download directory.
8. Provide the java administrator user and password.
9. Verify the current and target jvm versions and click next.
10. You can ignore the warning for maintenance certificate and click on continue.
11. Click on next after verifying the details of system below.
12. Read the below SAP note and download the JCE policy jar file as per your sapjvm version
13. The database backup is not required at below screen as it is a sapjvm update which is not updated at database level.
Click next
Please note that the java stack would be restarted during downtime phase
14. The summary is displayed as below
Click next
15. Verify the upgraded jvm version in dev_server0 log file
Related SAP notes:
SAP Note 1133020 : How to import a SAP JVM patch into an AS Java
SAP Note 1641062 : Single component update and patch scenarios in SUM